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With Jane Hardwicke Collings

Courses crafted to offer this special work to women anywhere, enabling inner work in your own time, in your own space.

Snake Medicine – Shedding Menstrual Shame

Shedding Menstrual Shame- Snake Medicine – Is an education, a re-membering, and several processes for you to do to understand the silent, or not so silent, influence menstrual shame has on who you are as a woman in this culture.

Pregnancy The Inner Journey & Birth Healing

Your inner journey of pregnancy is there waiting for you. For those of you been watching and waiting for my pregnancy the inner journey the course, after gestating for many years, it’s here.

Autumn Woman Harvest Queen

Harness the transformational powers of menopause and consciously ride the waves of labour on the journey to your rebirth as the menopausal woman the Earth needs now.

Connecting with your Power Animal

Introduction to the basics of Shamanism, touching on the history, the cosmology, and a guide to Shamanic Journeying. You will learn how to discover your ‘Access Sense’ and what to do if you encounter blocks on a journey.