UK & EUROPE SIREN TOUR—Moonsong Workshop – Ireland
Event Date:
April 7, 2024
Event Time:
8:45 am
Event Location:
Chapel of Ease
Why the menstrual cycle?
Our menstrual cycle is a normal, healthy and healthful aspect of being a woman. It is a powerful process which shows us how to live authentically and uniquely as ourselves. Our menstrual cycle – though culturally derided – is a great source of energy, regeneration and renewal. through
Getting to know your cycle is getting to know yourself! During your reproductive years, you are in your menstrual cycle, and you see this in your moods, your energy levels and your mucus.
Our rites of passage – birth, menarche, the birth of children, and menopause – are also natural, healthy and powerful initiatory processes that deepen our relationship to ourselves, our communities and the Earth.
Connecting with your menstrual cycle and your rites of passage is part of the re-wilding of the feminine that is so needed now.