RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE – WEBINAR – The Spiritual Practice of Menopause



Register ABOVE for single webinar access ($75), or grab the bundle to save 40% on my eCourse, Autumn Woman Harvest Queen ($130).


The event has passed, but the recording is still relevant and available, along with the workbook and bundle

In a culture that sees menopause as frightening, terrible, unknown and unpredictable, and encourages women to prevent it, control it and ignore its deeper purpose as a rite of passage and our becoming a wise woman, it can be very easy to miss out on the positive benefits of menopause and the spiritual practice of menopause.

Join this webinar to learn how to render menopause sacred and ask of your experience: how does it serve your life journey?

So, how do we harness the transformational opportunities of menopause?

How do we make menopause a spiritual process?

What is the spiritual practice of menopause?

What am I becoming? How and why?

How can I best look after myself?

How can I prepare for menopause?

How can I make sense of what’s happening to me?

How does this serve my transformation?


*We will learn about menopause in context, in the context of our life.

*We will learn a map so we can understand how our experience of menopause reflects our life so far, and what we need to notice and how we can prepare.

*We will learn about the two phases of menopause, and how to know where you are on the journey.

*We will enquire deeply within with a self reflection process.

*And we will journey to meet the Grandmothers for the information we need to guide us on our becoming a wise woman.

*And an introduction to Sagescence – the becoming of the wise woman version of you.

Note: This webinar requires participants to bring a candle and lighter, a journal, an eye mask, and headphones for a fully immersive experience.