Register ABOVE for single webinar access ($65), or grab the bundle to save 40% on my eCourse, Pregnancy the Inner Journey ($180).
The event has passed, but the recording is still relevant and available, along with the workbook and bundle
Join us for a transformational and practical webinar to help prepare for childbirth.
I will address these questions, maybe there are your questions, or maybe you’ve heard them from others…
What can I do to prepare for childbirth?
What can I do to prepare physically?
If “we have the birth, we need to have to teach us what we need to learn about ourselves to take us to the next please on our journey of healing and wholeness”…
How can I prepare for that?
What can I do about my fears?
What should I absolutely say no to?
What must I absolutely do?
What is the least worst induction of labour?
What is the least worst pain relief drug?
How does all this affect the baby?
There will be pre-reading and preparation for a process we will do during the webinar.
We will look at what sits beneath fears and what they can teach us.
We will look at childbirth in context, both within the context of our own lives and within our culture.
And we will journey within to both meet our baby and to create an inner birth temple to access during labour.