RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE -WEBINAR – The Spiritual Practice of Menstruation


Note this event was run on 26th August 2023, however, you can still purchase the recording and get full access to that and the workbook, and also, the bundle is still available; see below.

REGISTER HERE for single webinar access $75

REGISTER HERE and bundle to save 40% of my eCourse Snake Medicine Shedding Menstrual Shame $125

Join us for a transformative live webinar on the spiritual practice of menstruation.

Grab your journal, for we shall embark on an exploration of what it truly means to embrace menstruation as a spiritual practice. Discover how your menstrual cycle can become a gateway to profound inner connection.

Get ready to enter a realm of deep introspection. Put on your eye mask and headphones, allowing yourself to fully immerse in this sacred space.

During this webinar, we will explore the following topics:

What is a spiritual practice? 

How can the menstrual cycle be a spiritual practice? 

How can I honour my blood, and why would I want to? 

How will I benefit? What are the seasons of the menstrual cycle?

How did the menstrual cycle get so unpopular? 

Why don’t we talk about this? 

How come I don’t know about this?

I will share information with you that will address these questions, and we will do a process of inner inquiry around where you are in your menstrual cycle on the day or the lunar cycle if you don’t have a period for whatever reason. And we will listen to the voice of our womb through a shamanic drum journey to hear what she has to tell you today.

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the spiritual practice of menstruation. Unveil the profound connection between your menstrual cycle and your sacred self.

Join us on 26th August 2023 at 9 am AEST (7 pm NY, 

4pm LA, 12MN UK, 1am Europe) 2.5hours


Note: This webinar requires participants to bring a candle and lighter, a journal, an eye mask, and headphones for a fully immersive experience.

REGISTER HERE for single webinar access $75

REGISTER HERE and bundle to save 40% of my eCourse Snake Medicine Shedding Menstrual Shame $125