AUTUMN WOMAN, HARVEST QUEEN AutumnBlood MysteriesMage VisionMenopauseMenstruationWorkshops & Retreats AUTUMN WOMAN, HARVEST QUEENAUTUMN WOMAN, HARVEST QUEEN After Mother, before Crone... is the time of the Maga –…JaneFebruary 6, 2021
HONOURING RITES OF PASSAGE IN A WOMAN’S LIFE Blood MysteriesHerstoryMenarcheMenopauseMenstruationRites of Passage HONOURING RITES OF PASSAGE IN A WOMAN’S LIFE HONORING RITES OF PASSAGE IN A WOMAN’S LIFE The Four Phase Feminine Way Spring…JaneFebruary 6, 2021
MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY Blood MysteriesMenstruationMoon CyclePregnancy and Birth MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY What is the Earth Mother asking of us? The blueprint for…JaneFebruary 6, 2021
SHAMANIC WOMANCRAFT Blood MysteriesMenstruationPregnancy and Birth SHAMANIC WOMANCRAFT SHAMANIC WOMANCRAFT What is it? Menstruation, conception, pregnancy, birth and menopause are shamanic experiences.…JaneFebruary 6, 2021