Minmia Blog Series 2
This blog is primarily about the Indigenous wisdom of the spiritual bioenergetics of placenta – a teaching of this land and every land, that holds within it pure evidence of the interconnectedness of everything and our symbiotic and reciprocal relationship with the Earth.
It is both simple and obvious, and is the indigenous wisdom of every land on the planet. It is a practice of
deep ecology, and I dare say medicine for the woes of many.
It feels to me to be something we can do to reclaim our connection with The Mother, Nungeenatya, Goddess, the Earth, Mother Nature – whatever you want to call the Whole, the ‘thing’ we are a part of…
You will read from the stories that it’s a simple, easy and very rewarding process.
This is also a ‘wake up call’ about how we ‘actively manage’ the third stage of labour – the birth of the placenta – and an offering of indigenous wisdom to add to the already available scientific research, to rethink how we do that.
I’ve written so much here so I have made it into three separate blog posts. The first, this one, is about the Rebirthing Ceremony, the second is Stories about two Rebirthing Ceremonies (including mine), and the third is all about placentas – how they are born, by what measures and when and what to do with them.
See Minmia Blog Series 1 if you haven’t already or maybe to refresh your mind to what’s going on here..)
Minmia, Wirradjirri woman, Wirrloo Law-woman, called me to sit with her to receive the ‘teachings of this Land’, so I could teach these to the women alongside what I already teach….
Come with me back there now….
We sat outside her caravan on her beautiful bush property, she was talking fast and I was writing just fast enough. We’d stop every so often for tea – she offered me her precious lemon myrtle – and to stretch and walk around one of the dogs there was going crazy barking at a poor blind mangy wombat that was wandering around uncharacteristically in the light of day. She said they go mangy and blind from moving into the fox lairs after the foxes have been killed by the poison left there sad.
We talked sometimes about other things and discovered what we have in common – the blessing of grand- children, a nursing background, we’d even both been operating theatre nurses. She tells me she’s one of the
Stolen Generation and that she’s very sick and not sure how long she has to live, and that’s one of the rea- sons she’s sharing this information with me.
She said: I’m very selective of who I might choose to go out and trust to do this, Jane. What you’re doing is important and there’s lots of women doing that, and I trust you will do it for all the right reasons, I know you’ll do it right.
It’s not just about what’s going on in the physical, its about the highest form of Miwi (soul) essence that manifests in the physical. By getting it right in the physical we will be bringing things back into balance – that’s our job, now is the time…
And with the world the state it’s in, you know how people say – why doesn’t someone do something? That’s us, we need to do something…
Jane, remind women to honour the Mother (Nungeena Tya, Mother Earth) that’s where we get our true strength from….
I know exactly what I’m doing in sharing this information with you, its important that women know this in- formation now, its time for the secrets to be over….
She told me – you tell ‘em – Jane is going to do as she’s instructed to by Minmia, and Jane is born of this land…..
“If you are born of this land, you are of this land,
and therefore you are entitled to the teachings of this land by birth.
And wherever you were born, what was ‘meant to happen’ was that your placenta was meant to be buried in the earth, and according to the teachings of this land, there by activating your life destiny and purpose.
When I have brought this information to women in my workshops there are always so many groans of acknowledgement of something they could feel within but didn’t have the information to explain. The idea be- hind this is that for those of us who’s placentas have not been buried in the earth and therefore have not had this spiritual bioenergetic activation then our experience of life includes such feelings of not knowing what our life purpose is, what our offering to the greater good is. and in extreme cases, even ‘what’s the point?’.
Minmia said: What’s wrong with the people today is that we’re not getting the birthing ceremony right…
People aren’t grounded, they don’t know what they’re meant to do, what their life purpose is…
Children turn into monsters at adolescence because their placentas are melded together. They can’t contact their individual map…they are so confused, spiritually lost and this is the cause of a lot of youth suicide….
Tell them – your child’s life will be fine if you get the ceremony right…
And what she means is how we conduct ourselves around the birth of a baby, and especially when we cut the cord and what we do with the placenta. How wonderful I thought that she calls birth a ceremony and of course it is, but unfortunately not for most women. Its more like a medical procedure based on time efficient practices and risk factors, which all lead to the problems we see in the world today – what Minmia means when she says what’s wrong.
The proper birthing process will connect the child to the oneness so they are more able to handle the chaos to come – they will be more grounded.
It gives the child the strength to live a connected life. One-ness is the key, absolutely and from now on…
She instructed me on what to do about this, as she has already with many other women over the years.
Her focus was on the spiritual role of the umbilical cord and placenta for the baby’s wellbeing.
Firstly, placentas are not ‘hazardous waste’, they hold, on the side that is connected to the mother, the baby’s Miwi print, which in Minmia’s words is the baby’s life journey map, their soul’s destiny this lifetime.
She says that what’s meant to happen is this:
Babies are born, the cords are not cut but are left until they stop pulsing. With the cord still pulsing, and as the baby takes its first breath, information is transferred to the baby from the placenta via the cord, on how to follow the map, their Miwi print. Later, the placenta and cord are buried in the earth and so the baby’s Miwi print goes into Nungeena-tya. The Miwi print lies there until Nungeena receives the child’s first seed. For girls that’s their first blood, their menarche, for boys its their sperm from their first wet dream of puber- ty.
As it (the child’s first seed) hits the earth, the seed is recognised instantly, almost as if it enters a computer data system. Nungeena-tya then goes back to wherever the Miwi print was buried and locks it in. She then acts to ground and guide the ‘wanai’ (post puberty, adolescent) on her/his journey throughout this physical life.’
And this is when you (the adolescent) start receiving your teaching and learning the lore/law.’
When they fall down or get knocked down, Nungeena-tya will anchor them and pull them back up. They will always be very close to their path if not right on it.
For those people who’s placentas were not buried in the earth and were probably either burnt or destroyed together with other placentas, they still eventually get to the earth but their Miwi prints are melted together with others and so they are confused. They are spiritually and emotionally confused and can’t fulfil their journey.
The Rebirthing Ceremony can repair this.
And for those not born of this land they can belong by doing the Rebirthing Ceremony… The Rebirthing Ceremony
The Birthing and Re-Birthing Ceremony that Minmia taught me, and many of us, that is featured in her book Under the Quandong Tree, is how she says we can remedy this ‘lost soul’ situation that so many of us experience.
The Birthing Ceremony is what she calls this process when it is done with the baby’s placenta soon after their birth and is accompanied by the planting of a specifically chosen tree. The Rebirthing Ceremony is when it is done with a surrogate placenta.
Fundamentally, this process is about belonging to the land, and through that connection, knowing your purpose.
This can be done on the land where we were born (not necessarily exactly where) or where we choose to ceremonially declare as our land.
For caesarean births she said the best thing to do is to leave the cord intact and gently rub, massage or tap the placenta, to simulate what happens in a vaginal birth, to trigger the key to unlock the Miwi DNA in- structions for the baby’s life journey map to travel down the cord to the baby.
If the cord gets cut during the caesarean, she said to do the Rebirthing Ceremony.
For a stillborn baby, she suggests the parents get the placenta or a bit of the cord or hair and do the Re- birthing Ceremony to honour the journey of the baby. She said the baby that is stillborn has come to teach her parents about grief and acceptance.
If you want to eat your placenta she says to slice pieces off the side and leave the Miwi ‘face’ intact and bury that in the earth in your baby’s Birthing Ceremony.
You don’t need to have the child with you to do the Rebirthing Ceremony, you need some of their hair and blood. The blood carries half the journey print and the hair carries the other half.
You can do it for anyone at any age, you have to know them.
And, if any of you have any of your children’s placentas still in your freezer, you need to thaw them and bury then, asap.
The Rebirthing Ceremony instructions reprinted with permission from Minmia, from Under the Quandong Tree
The Rebirthing Ceremony instructions for those not born on this land –
For people doing the Rebirthing Ceremony in countries other than where they were born, follow all the in- structions and first put some sterilised earth from your homeland in the hole before burying your ‘placenta’. This, she says, will ensure your soul returns to the land of your birth.
She told me what the experience for Nungeena is when she receives a placenta.
She said – you know those photos of the mushroom cloud after a nuclear bomb, its like that the other way around, light energy goes into the earth in that shape and that size. The placenta nourishes Nungeena, that’s what its all about, a two way thing.
… One big loop, the interconnection of all things… symbiosis, reciprocity…
The earth needs our placentas, our wee, our poo, and our dead bodies. To me, questioning the body’s intelligence and our symbiotic, reciprocal connection with the Earth is hubris. It is insane to imagine that the ways of our body are not perfect or that we could do better. Certainly there are many ways this delicate whole system can be influenced, particularly by oestrogen pollution (more on that below). But, all you need to understand is just a little bit about breastfeeding to know that there’s a lot more going on in and with our miraculous bodies than one may realise.
For example – did you know that a mother makes day milk and night milk, complete with specific hor- mones to flow with the energy requirement of that time of day! So if you express milk to give your baby at another time, make sure you match up the time you expressed with the time you eventually feed the baby or you may have a very awake baby when you’d rather not! And, the nipple, the incredible nipple, has recep- tors on it that read the pathogen or germ content of the baby’s saliva and signal to the brain to release the particular antibodies for that germ into the milk!
Unfortunately, cutting the cord straight away after the baby is born, or way before it has stopped pulsing (which can take 10 minutes or more) is still common practice, even though there is plenty of scientific evidence to prove this is a bad idea for the baby. So, if we were meant to severe the cord straight away after the baby is born, there would be some way of doing that embedded within the birth process. The only way I’ve seen that actually happen is when someone pulls really hard on the cord to get the placenta out and it breaks, or from the stories of cords breaking or tearing due to the effects of GMO food on the development of the baby and placenta.
Read more:
Some Rebirthing Ceremony Stories
And in case you aren’t aware, all my books are available in e-book form as well as print, cheap and quick to receive! See here.
Also if you want to run women’s circles and need some guidelines, here’s an e-book with all the info.
So, thank you for reading this as I, with great honour and respect, share the teachings of the lineage of Min- mia Wirrloo – Women’s Law, and their spiritual teachings of Oneness and how to achieve that, incorporat- ing that into my practice and teaching of the old wise wild ways of being-ness, the wisdom of the cycles and the relevant spiritual practices for the times in one’s life, of the season, of the menstrual cycle, in a globally conscious pan-cultural way.
Sort of Earthling Human Female 1.01.
Common sense that’s not so common anymore… Best wishes and love,
Jane Hardwicke Collings
Minima will not be responsible or liable for any resulting outcomes, loss, damage and/or injury from any in- appropriate and/or improper use including unauthorised variations of the information provided in relation to her teachings.