Birth Preparation Kit – Labour Hacks + Basic Check List PDF & AUDIO

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By Jane Hardwicke Collings. 
Labour Hacks PDF & Guided Drum Journey + Drumming for Labour AUDIO
When a woman is in labour her mammalian animal senses are on high alert, she will only relax and give birth if she feels safe. If she does not feel safe, if she feels fear, she will go into sympathetic nervous system dominance and fight or flight reactions, flood her body with adrenaline and stall or switch off her labour.
This Downloadable PDF Includes Hacks to Secure the Environment and Physical Hacks to help the birthing woman. 
Basic checklist for mother & baby well-being when labouring at home & birth first aide
Helpful information for unexpected fast labours and births. This is an easy checklist to allay fear, with information to help everybody feel prepared and safe

Also Included is ‘Guided Pregnancy Drum Journey to meet the baby’ and ‘Drumming for Labour’ downloads with a PDF ‘Guide to Shamanic Journeying’ Love Jane xx