Dear Dad: An open letter to men with a daughter approaching her menarche (first period) ActivismBlood MysteriesMenarcheMenstruationMoon CycleMusingsRites of Passage Dear Dad: An open letter to men with a daughter approaching her menarche (first period) Dear Dad, How a girl’s father meets her at her menarche, her rite of…Ara53niFebruary 23, 2022
MOON PHASES Moon CycleMusings MOON PHASES MOON PHASES Moon Phases and Corresponding Energy The energy of each phase of the…JaneFebruary 9, 2021
WE ARE ALL MENSTRUAL ACTIVISTS! ActivismBlood MysteriesMenstruationMoon Cycle WE ARE ALL MENSTRUAL ACTIVISTS! WE ARE ALL MENSTRUAL ACTIVISTS! One of the popular articles I have ever written…JaneFebruary 6, 2021
MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY Blood MysteriesMenstruationMoon CyclePregnancy and Birth MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY MENSTRUAL LUNAR ASYNCHRONY What is the Earth Mother asking of us? The blueprint for…JaneFebruary 6, 2021